Nostalgic memories of Warborough's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 7 Memories

Warborough Green is a beautiful setting, and I enjoyed my childhood there. We lived in Quaker Cottage next to The Six Bells Pub and my maiden name was Noakes. I was in the Brownies and later on in the Youth Club. Even when I married in 73 I stayed in the village for a few years. I live in the next village now but often return to Warborough because my heart is there.
I live in France, but many of my ancestors come from Dorchester on Thames. It's too complicated to go into the history of how I managed to be living here on the border with Spain, but for me Dorchester is a key element in what has made me who I am. As far back as I can go at present, my earliest ancestor was Joseph King, born in Dorchester in about 1767. The family has lived there down ...see more
I lived in Western House, Warbororough between 1950 and 1955 and went to Dorchester Secondary Modern School. All the Warborough youths used to assemble outside the shop opposite the church and cycle in a convoy to school each day. The variety of roughly assembled bicycles was extraordinary. I particulrly remember one ridden by 'Chucker'Hussey that had vastly differing sized wheels which gave the rider ...see more
I wrote this in reply to Joyce Norgrove's comments, but thought I'd put it here too. I lived in Warborough from 1959 to 1970 - a wonderful place to grow up in. We lived in the School House, my father was the Headmaster of the school and I was in the school when we moved to the new site. We lived in what was Miss Nobbs's house of course. Although I only remember meeting her once, but the family stayed friends with ...see more
Does anyone remember my mother and grandmother?  My mother Sheila, married John Edwards and moved to Jersey in 1959.  Lily lived in Warborough till her death in 1979. She lived in Gravel Walk, Warborough until approx 1973 then moved to sheltered accom until 1979. My mother died in 1977. I went to the local village school where I remember teachers called Mr Dance and Miss Kirby. My father who is still ...see more
I well remember living in the village  from 1940 to 1944 being evacuated there as a 6 year old from the East End of London. I lived very close to the war memorial and attended school set up for evacuees in the cricket pavilion on the village green. My temporary parents were Mr & Mrs Bailey who looked after me very well and  their  upbringing has stood me well  during my lifetime.  One very strong memory I ...see more
I visited Warborough had lunch in local pub looked round the church cemetery.There were quite a few 'Beislys' interred there during the 1800's. Also one name on the WW1 memorial. Are there any Beislys still living in the village or nearby.I believe one of the landlords of a pub in Shillingford was Beisly at one time?