Nostalgic memories of Shifnal's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 13 in total

I came across this website purely by accident and was immediately fascinated by the memories of Shifnal. Somebody mentioned Cottams’ fish and chip shop on the Broadway. Cottams left and were replaced by a diminutive foreign lady by the name of Mrs Peloppida – at least, it sounded like that to me. When she left, my father and mother took over in about 1954 or 1955. They were Gordon and Ethel Evans and we were ...see more
My Parents Herbert George Morris & Winifred Josephine Cheadle Married here on June 8th 1935. They were born & bred in Shifnal so were their parents. Grandparents were George & Harriet Morris , Jack ' also called James' Cheadle & Winifred Cheadle. They later on in the 1930s had to move to Wolverhampton where my Dad worked .
I went to school at Haughton Hall around the time I was 8 or 9. It was for a few years because our school had been burnt down in Madeley, St Marys .. what a spooky cold gloomy place! If ever I went to a haunted building this was it, I loved the place and got up to complete mischief with my mate Jolene - pure fun. I'm glad its a hotel now, at least it didnt go to waste, but what a grand old house. And I ...see more
As a child, I attended Shifnal Infants and Primary School in Curriers Lane. Then when I was seven years old (I think) moved to St. Andrews C of E Junior School, which was an old fashioned school down the bottom of the Innage Road - now demolished for a housing estate. From there I moved to Idsall School in Shifnal (which may have been called Shifnal Secondary Modern or Shifnal Comprehensive ...see more
When I was growing up in Shifnal there was no carnival, only the Dove Club weekend, the fair visited the last weekend in June as it still does to this day. My memories of that time are always having something new to wear and Grandad sharing out the pennies he had saved amongst all his grandchildren for us to spend down the fair. All the family came to visit and we used to meet up with all our relations down the street, ...see more
I would love to hear from anyone who has memories of my mother Sylvia who left Shifnal when she married John Simons in 1958. She lived in London from that date but frequently returned with me to visit. My mother's best freind was Hilda Easthope and I have fond memories of her as she married my father's best man and moved to London. Ii would love to share memories with anyone who holds Shifnal dear to their heart.
My grandparents moved to Shifnal in 1930. They moved from Trescot when my mother was two, they were Doris and Charlie Johnson and my mother was Sylvia. My Uncle Noel still lives in Shifnal so I still retain my links but would love to be in touch more and share memories as my mother died recently and I feel that I want to hold on to Shifnal as I have so many happy memories of it.
My dad often told me about Shifnal, his dad had two pubs there, and his sisters Norma and Winnie lived there. I can remember going to my cousin Mavis's wedding in the beautiful church there and spending time looking round the town. My cousins and my Aunty Norma still live there. I don't get there as often as I would like, but would love to hear from anyone that can give me information about my dad's dad, and ...see more
Does anyone remember Alice Amy Robinson or any of the Robinsons, who lived at 33 Broadway Shifnal during the war? I would love any memories of them. Thankyou, Barbara Madeline de Havilland (formerly known as Margaret Robinson)
Do you have any photos of the Womens Land Army Hostel in 1946?