Nostalgic memories of Lamberhurst's local history

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Displaying all 9 Memories

Have only just read Mike Beeches memories( where have I been?) My Great Grandfather Stephen Russell lived in the village at Park Gate Cottages, although he was more likely to found in the Horse & Groom! He died in 1968. My mother was born there, and never knew her her father was - just a few days ago having taken an Ancestry DNA test, I now know - unfortunately she died in 2007 and will never know. My ...see more
My great grandfather owned the Victoria stores and my only memory is going to see his grave as a small child. Sadly I couldn't tell which church it was. His Name was George Shrewsbury Reeve.
This is not my memory but that of my sister in law's. Her paternal grandfather, Philip Alan Simpson, was the Head Brewer at Stair House for several years up to and including 1901.
I was 2 years old when my family moved to Stair House. My father was Ted Miller and was contracted by the government to collect scrap metal during the war years. We moved in 1948 but I have strong memories of the village. What sweets were available from Mrs Fuller-Waters shop, the first haircut at the barber's, going up the hill, the golf course with a small stream running at the back of Stair House, and ...see more
As village 'Bobby' in the late 1960's early 70's, we, my wife and two daughters, lived in the Police House in Furnace Lane. Sometime about 1970 I called into the village shop (I think it was Fuller's) and the lady there asked me if I would take a gun off her! She said that they had recently gone into the roof space when having a clear out and found a pearl handled revolver with belt and holster. She went on ...see more
It was indeed interesting reading Roger Barden's account of Lamberhurst, but feel he has left out a few salient points. Of course Curtis the newsagents and Avards the bakers with the ever inquisitive Mrs Avards were selling that delicious bread and sweets for the children going to school. But of course there was just up the hill Gurr's the butcher's complete with pony & trap to deliver ...see more
Brings back memories of hot Sunday afternoons sitting on the bridge with my mates collecting car number-plates. I was nine years old and lived at 1 Workhouse Cottages, in Brewer Street with Miss Mabel Alice Ranger. I was a little tyke with short long trousers. I also remember swinging on the pendulum of the school clock and getting the cane for it. I was not at school often as I tended to play ...see more
My Mom Robina James lived in Baynards during the war with Auntie Connie.  She often mentioned Hastings during my growing up years. I have visited here but it's been a long time now. Mom died Dec 05. I'm confused because she went on to go to Horsham School with her friend who now lives in Kent - I'm confused as to exactly where Horsham is.  I don't see any village by that name.  Was it in a city other than Horsham?   Anyone aware of Baynards?
The white weatherboarded house was the farmhouse of the farm where my mother, Joyce Clark, worked along with another 3 girls in the Land Army during the Second World War.  It was called Cogger's Farm.  She was there whilst the Battle of Britain was fought overhead.  They grew hops, wheat, barley, oats and enough vegetables to supply the local school.  The oast houses behind the house belonged to the farm.  The ...see more