Nostalgic memories of Kidsgrove's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

I have lived all my life in Kidsgrove from being born in Chapel Street to my current age of 78. Younger people than I have played on Red Rocks but for others about my age these were named CINDER.
I used to play at and on 'red rocks' when I was a kid. My dad and my uncles had a pigeon cote nearby and we used to go there with him and then go and play on 'red rocks'. I once climbed to the top of the biggest one and couldn't get down, I had to wait for my older brother to come and rescue me. As far as I know they were huge pieces of clinker.
My husband Colin, has asked me to search for pictures of red rock in Kidsgrove near to Birchrnwood. He played there between 1973 and 1976 and wondered what the rocks were constructed from, due to their unusual colour, any photos or info would be great, thanks, Tina (a Goldenhill girl).
I was born in Kkidsgrove in a place called Back Heathcote Street, we lived there until I was four years old. I remember going to the shop at the top of Heathcote Sstreet with my older sisters to buy sweets. We then moved to Millstone Avenue, Butlane. As a child Dad would walk us up to Mow Cop, where we spent many happy hours. He would also take us on walks along the canel to Congleton, when we used to ask ...see more
Of the ten years spent living in Biddulph I and my siblings, Pam, Linda, Albert  and Wendy, spent many hours playing amongst the rocks and the grass  around the folly. Many battles were fought among ourselves as to who was to be the King or Queen of the Castle.  Fond memories .... Chris Chester.
Our Dad used to take us for a walk up to Mow Cop Castle on a sunny Sunday. We would set off from Talke with our bottle of pop and a jam butty and walk along the canal for a while then through the lanes in Scholar Green past the Three Horseshoes then up the steepest hill to the Castle. We would sit inside the round window at the front and try to see our house in Talke on the other side of the valley. We could see so ...see more