Harrogate 1960's And 1970's Help Needed Ronald And Gladys Merritt Shops

A Memory of Harrogate.

Hi All,
I am trying to find out more information about my grandparent's who had a couple of shops in Harrogate, They are long passed now, and I myself am in the US.
I am hoping from my very vague description of childhood memories, someone may recall the stops or at least a possible street name, which would give me a starting point!
My grandparents owned 2 shops side by side. One was a hardware shop with paraffin being sold outside, the other a green grocery. My grand father would also deliver groceries. The road was on a hill, and as you went up it, the shops were on the left. A bit lower down the hill was a cafe, and for some reason Catherine or Cathy's sticks in my mind. I don't know if it was because my grandparents were shop keepers or the cafe did this for anybody that wanted but they effectively had a takeaway service, proper china plates with metal covers to keep the food hot.
Again on the right I believe were some gardens. I don't know the name but I 'think' they may have had metal gates at the entrance. That's all I really have to go on, Ronald and Gladys Merritt would have closed up shop in the late seventies I believe.
Apologies for troubling you but if you have any inkling of where I am talking about, it would give me a great starting point.
Kind regards

Added 27 October 2014


Comments & Feedback

Hello There was a shop on Cold Bath Road called Merrits it was a grocers. Cold Bath Road is on a hill. There was a café near the bottom of the road called Elizabeth's. Hope this is of some help.

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