Nostalgic memories of Corton's local history

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Displaying all 10 Memories

My parents,Ron and Joan Witt, became full-time managers from 1951 to 1961! My younger sister,Barbara, and I had an amazing childhood there.The holiday season ran from Whitsun through to October and of course we had a wonderful time enjoying all the facilities,dining with all the grown ups etc. Many Families and their children would return year after year,same week,same chalet!! " A week's holiday for a week's wages" was the slogan ( around £4 ,10 shillings- £4.50 in today's money!)
I Worked at Corton Beach Holiday Club..1964.Cant remember Rogerson Hall..Unless they changed the name..I can remember Robert Sillers at the time he lived in Lowestoft...If anyone Knows me Please get in touch Robert Green. Now Living In Nuneaton Warwickshire
Oh how I looked forward to my holidays at Rogerson Hall. Everyone entered into the spirit of having a great time, Friday evening was camp show night when the campers put on a show. We never sat back waiting to be entertained, we all mucked in to make our holiday great. Janet
We use to travel with our relations for one week all together, about 12 of us. I believe the price for a week for a family of four was about £5.00. We traveled with WTA coaces from Maryland Point, Stratford E15, the coach company does not seem to be mentioned on the webb anywhere? I believe they were remamed Galleon Tours. My brother and I won the fancy dress competition a couple of times dressed as the boys that ...see more
From childhood, first on family holidays and now in later years I have spent many happy times walking this cliff path from Corton to Hopton. This view remains virtually unchanged, the radar station is now a private residence and the mast long since taken down. There is erosion since your photo but the cliff top path is still accessible for now and I always look forward to holidays on this stretch of the East Coast. For those who like peace and quite this is the perfect place.
My family originated in Suffolk and I spent many holidays there, ie at Lowestoft, Yarmouth, Gorlseton, Caister, what great memories. The beaches are brill. My family owned a farm, I believe it was at 222 Long Lane, but do you think I can find any information? So I wondered if anyone remembers the Coleman family at this address. It would be great to hear from you, or if you have any info on the lane or photos.
I was just putting in "Rogerson Hall" on search and came across this site. Wonderful. I went to Rogerson Hall with my Mum and Dad in 1956 and 1957. In 1956, when I was 6, Dad booked the holiday and within one day of being there I developed chicken pox and we had to come home to London. I was heartbroken but to help console me, my wonderful Mum took my tin bucket on to the beach and brought ...see more
I have no memories of Corton, I was born there on sept 2nd 1959 @ Rogerson Hall, that is all I know. I did visit this year for about 1 hr as I was in the area but would like to know more about Rogerson Hall and if anybody was around at that time it would be great to here from you, thanks.
I have very happy memories of staying at Rogerson Hall Holiday Camp. We stayed here every year for two weeks in August from about 1962 to 1968. Every year my brother and I took part in the children's fancy dress competition. I can remember the fun of staying in the chalets and how neat and tidy the grounds were kept. I learnt to dance the 'Gay Gordon' with my dad and how to do the twist! My brother learnt ...see more
I have very happy memories of Rogerson Hall, I started work in the buffet evenings in the summer season, from 1960-1975 approx when it closed. Working for 4 managers Wit, Carvell, Tamlyn and Auntie Mac. I would love to share my memories with others. My name is Peggy Knight.