Nostalgic memories of Bromsgrove's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 23 in total

Hi, I was at Shenstone (Maths and Science, 1962-5, the same group as Gerry) and will forever be grateful for the excellent training we received. My name was Gerry Martin (now a more formal Geraldine Hammonds) and my lasting memory is of Miss Wood informing the whole college that it was unprofessional to be seen walking down the road eating fish and chips. I never could, but now that I am retired it ...see more
I trained to teach at Shenstone new College 1971-1975 (inc B.ED) I loved it. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers times with me at the college and find out what they are doing now
Next to Wise's was Mrs Simmonds toy shop, then a drapers, then my Aunts' Fish & Chip shop - Plante's. Further on was a greengrocers, then my favourite shop, Smith's cake shop!
I left in 1956 and my name was Tyers !!
MY grandad and grandma used to run The George. They were Reg and Edith Astley. I was brought up there with my mum and dad, Pat and Sheila. Mum was a barmaid there with my Aunty Eunice. If any one remembers them , or has any photos, particularly of the interior, please get in touch at :
Whilst waiting for the 144 to come in i was playing a game of darts when a gentleman asked if i wanted a game.I said yes and we proceeded to play.Needless to say my opponent blew me off the board.When i enquired after his name he said ,Johnny Venn and he played for the Argus team
After going to the Regal Cinema i would take a shortcut to Sidemore going up the 48 steps and running like the clappers through the churchyard and out through the gate at the bottom.(Scary)
Today my husband and I took my father in law (now nearly 98) back to see the college he attended post war, alas we could only go as far as the gates as it is now used as a school, he remembered the area well, then the teacher training college was just the low one buildings and huts that had been used during the war.
This was one of the hotels/public houses owned by Mr.& Mrs. R.J.Gillman; they were my grandparents. My parents visited them taking me with them. My cousin Clive and I went exploring, oh boy! my finger slipped threw the wallpaper in one of the bedrooms, so Clive and I traced it round and found hidden behind the wall paper was a door, we opened it and beheld a veritable treasure; buckets of money, ...see more
I remember staying with my grandmother Annie Rowlands during World War 2 in the village of Stoke Works on Harbors Hill Farm. There was a neighbouring farm there and I remember a John Ford. My grandmother took me on a bus to Bromsgrove and bought me my first pair of wellington boots, I felt like royalty. I loved staying there with her away from all the bombing in London, and she bought me a bike ...see more