Nostalgic memories of Wordsley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 20 in total

Although I lived in Collis St, Amblecote I went to Brook St, Junior School from 1951 until I went to Audnam Secondary in 1955. I remember it had an infants school attached and the little ones would have a sleep in the afternoon. Mr.Ballinger was our Head until he retired and Mr.Cartwright took over. The other Teachers were Miss Bowater, Mrs. McKlean and her son Alistair was in my class, then there ...see more
I used to live just down the way from this stile and went walks through Cally Wood firstly with my friend Pauline Ellett and later with my husband and grandchildren. It's a lovely wood and used to border the sandpit which is gone now. The sandpit was at the bottom of my friend's garden in Mount Pleasant and I used to love going over there. It was like the Grand Canyon to us. This ...see more
My parents had a chip shop next door to the Cat Inn in Wordsley. Miss Bowater would walk me to school at Brook Street every day for the first few weeks there. She was a lovely lady, but my teacher, Miss W, was very stern and made my life hell. I was only 5 years old, and she would constantly try to undermine my confidence.
I was born in Sandfield and that's how my Mother always spoke of it not as Wordsley Hospital. Later on I went to Brook Street School. The teachers were; Mr Yardley, Miss White and Miss Bowater and Mr Cartwright. I lived in Collis Street, Amblecote so had a 15 minute walk to School. Afterwards I went to Audnam Sec Modern, my last class was taken by Mr Jack Roberts who recently died, he was a very fair teacher. ...see more
Just been reading the memories of others i.e. John Lampitt, so I thought I would share some of mine. My mother went to live in her grandfather's house in New Street in 1940 while my father was fighting the war. She lived there until 2010. She used to tell me there used to be fields at the bottom of the garden, no houses then in Mount Road etc. I remember there being a stable at the bottom of our garden. I was ...see more
I used to attend Sunday school here in the early 1950's. We usually met in the hall across the car park but once or twice a month we would be in the church. Later in 1967 I was married here. I was in the Army at the time and during a leave visit to my father and some school friends I met a girl. It was Christmas 1965. I came back in 1967 and we were married. Our daughter was christened here in 1969. She was ...see more
Just reading an input by John Lampitt, I remember him playing for Stuarts in goal, when the Rich brothers played, Bonner, Crater & Freddie. I myself played later for them in aprox 1977, but I recall everytime John got the ball, all those watching would shout "LAMPITT JOHNNIE". Even to this day it brings a smile to my face as it is now as I text this message, what great times.
Although I now live in the South of France, Wordsley is always in my heart. My family still live there, Foxhills Road, and I visit regular, to go up the Wolves with my mates from school, Brian Dulson, Decca Harewood etc. But being part of the best school football team that Audnam ever produced, well, that takes the biscuit, I still have a team photo hanging on my wall here.
I moved to Wordsley when my father died in a tragic motorcycle accident in Old Hill, although I was born in Bradley Rd, Stourbridge in 1948. We moved to Wordsley in 57 or 58. Some of my memories are so vivid of the days I lived there. A truly magical place back then. I remember very well the demise of the papershop owner - they called him sporty - yes it was said he set the shop on fire and committed ...see more
I do not have any memories of Wordsley but I would like to know if anyone remembers Lawnswood Farm or the Challingsworth family or Challingsworths' iron foundry. I am interested because they belonged to my grandparents' family and I do not have anyone left to ask, unfortunately.