Witham, The Memorial c.1965
Photo ref: W119040
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A Selection of Memories from Witham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Witham

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I was born in Jan 1936 in Witham, where my father's family had settled in the 1790's. When I was two my parents moved into one of the new council houses at the north end of Church Street, so I went to Chipping Hill Infants School. I can remember my young mother walking me into the place in early September 1940, at the height of the Battle of Britain. Our teachers were a fiery little welsh lady named Miss Griffith and a ...see more
I was born in Chelmsford in 1956. My mother, Dr Joy Stuart Morton, was the medical practitioner at Bridge Home from 1957 (I think) until 1960. We lived in Avenue Road and sometimes the patients would come and help in the garden. She was an amazing woman and she was only in her early thirties when she had this huge responsibility. She was tiny and often talked about the large male security nurse who used to accompany her on her rounds.
My name is Janet (nee Smith) McGraw, I was born in Witham, Essex in the year 1942. I also went to Chipping Hill Infant School. I started school April 16th 1947, the day before my 5th birthday. I remember Ann Goodchild very well, I actually have a photograph of her as "The Fairy" in the Christmas play, with me standing beside her as "The Holly and the Ivy". I also went to the Church School. I left Witham ...see more
I was delighted to read your comments about Braintree Road and Chipping Hill School. My grandfather was the Farm Bailiff of Half Hides Farm - William Appleton and I spent my very early life living Half Hides Farm. I was born in 1941 and my parents moved to Braintree Road, Number 37 when I was 18 months old. I attended Chipping Hill School and later I went to to the Church School in Guithaven Road. I ...see more