Wickford, The High Street c.1960
Photo ref: W195051T
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Just out out sight on the right was the post office, a wall paper shop and a sweet shop. Behind the photographer was a row of shops which included a barbers shop.
There was a big house behind the trees on the right and there used to be an old lady who lived there. She used an old fashioned bath chair. On the right are some police houses and I remember so of those old motorcycle based vans being parked there too.
Martin’s Bank is on the extreme right of this photo, there was a path between the bank and the railway line that led up to the market. To the left of the bank was a record shop, I still have a record bought there for me when I was young. Further along from that there were a couple of wooden houses. And then there was Market Road.
I remember my father buying a Christmas tree here, in the green grocers around 1964 when I was very young. Also used to buy a portion of chips from the chip shop on the way home from school.