Nostalgic memories of Whaplode Drove's local history

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Displaying all 2 Memories

I don't personally have a memory of Whaplode Drove but my husband's great great grandparents lived there. In 1842 John Francis Cooke married Frances Charlotte Chapman in the parochial chapel in Whaplode Drove. He had a store and in 1843 he sold it and they moved to Canada. I'm wondering if there is any reference to him/them in the town record?
My maternal Grandmother was Susannah Judge. She was of a fairly large family, I remember sister's names Mary, Ada and Rebecca. Mary, I think, went to live in london, Ada married Jim Gubby & lived in Barnwell Northants and Auntie Bec moved to Heywood in Gtr Manchester as did my Grandma. I remember Grandma telling me that after morning service the Vicar would dine for lunch with the judge & jury!!