Wells Next The Sea, The Harbour c.1955
Photo ref: W48067
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A Selection of Memories from Wells-Next-The-Sea

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Wells-Next-The-Sea

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This brings back vivid memories of growing up as the doctor's son. Our house not quite in this shot was on the left just here. The wing of the car could have been my father's an Austin Devon. As a five year old I would cycle like mad all round The Buttlands on my trike and when I had a two wheeler, across the diagonal paths and skid to a halt on the corners. Like many of my friends my growing up years ...see more
I first lived in a little cottage in Jolly Sailors Yard, around 1944. When I was about 3 years old my parents, Fred and Connie Smith, my brother Derek and me, Norman (Bim) Smith moved to Standard House. We had a great lIfe living there when we were older, just walking round the corner and diving off the quay wall when the tide was up. My grandfather Frank (Tender) Smith was Harbour Master and pilot ...see more
The coxswain of the lifeboat is the tall, erect Dane, Theodore Neilsen (stood at the stern of the boat). My father, Alf Powditch, was the engineer and is sat on the tractor.Theodore (Ted for short) fished for whelks with my father. One of my father's whelk boats was named "Marion". When Ted gave up fishing he had a small-holding at the far-end of the Northfield estate. I always remember going up ...see more
"As quick as you can, jump in dad's van - we are going to Wells-Next-The-Sea". With seaside sandwiches along, favourite egg n tomato ones plus the Primus for a nice cup of tea. Sing songs on our way, ahead a hot summers day passing rhododendrons, heather, bracken and gorse. Parked beneath tall pine trees that swish in the breeze, we gather our bucket and rake. Make for the shore ...see more