Warnham, Friday Street c.1955
Photo ref: W28003
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Memories of Warnham, Friday Street c1955

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Warnham, Friday Street c.1955

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Hello, my name is Andy Murfet. Thanks to this site I have just made contact with my school mate Martin Chapman, I am sure we will now stay in touch with each other. Martin has joged my memory with some other school mates, Rosemary White, another girl with the surname of Shaw, and a drama teacher with the surname of Jogo. BUT IF THERE IS ANYONE WHO WAS AT THE SCHOOL BETWEEN 1963-70 PLEASE GET IN TOUCH, I ...see more
My surname is Warnham and am very interested to see how this relates with the village of Warnham.  I wonder whether this is where my family originally resided all those years ago.  Would be interested to know about gravestones and names of any Warnhams to see whether this could be the case. Thanks if anyone can assist I would be grateful.
I can remember visiting Warnham when I was very young, with my parents and brother Ron. We stayed with great uncle John, who was blind. I believe his wife's name was May, but  I am not  sure. My brother kicked a football into the broad beans, and upset great uncle John. I was rather frightened when we had to sleep in a room with a picture of Captain Blood on the wall, and so my mum turned the ...see more
dear sandra , I have just been looking through my notes about the street family and the George you mention is my granny sarah ann's brother , and was my dads cousin.I can remember my dad talking about his cousin playing cricket and being as good as W C Grace!! a famous cricketer . William and Mary Street were my grans parents . I have managed to trace the Streets back to 1841 ,when a George Street was a ...see more