Nostalgic memories of Pantasaph's local history

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 32 in total

I've read your harrowing account of the abuse inflicted on you, and your siblings, by THE SISTERS OF CHARITY OF OUR LADY OF MERCY with immense sadness. Please read my email message on your Francis Frith personal account.
I was in St Claire's Orphanage with my two sisters after my father died in 1945. The Rev Mother Sister Phillomina had been a childhood friend of my mother's. This fact did not give us any added privileges. I remember Sister Anne and was terrified of her. She should never have been allowed to be in charge of children. She used to go into rages and I remember to this day her red distorted face ...see more
I don't know if anyone remenbers me, perhaps Christopher Potts or Robert Tayor? I was looked after by Sister Catherine, if anyone remenbers me please get in touch.
I am not sure if anyone will remember me, my name was Maureen Nolan. I was at St Claire's from about 1952 ro 1959 then I was sent to St Edmund's Home on The Wirral because I had a brother there who I did not know.
Hi to anyone who remembers St Clare's Convent in the 1960s. I was there at this time with my sister and two brothers. We were the Davies family in Sister Xaviers group. Other groups were cared for by Sister Catherine (who is still alive and living in the nuns' home in the monastery), Sister Theresa and Sister Anne. I'm not going to be negative in my memoirs - we had good happy, fun times and ...see more
Goodaye Elaine, and greetings from the old country. There's a book about the order called "We agreed to be different" which has been posted on the web, and mentions your old school on P36. This story about the nuns has been written in a positive vein, of course, as the truth would be TOO shameful to reveal! But the former orphans at St Clare's and St Joseph's have spoken out. And I believe them. I think you were ...see more
Michelle, try Hawarden (Flintshire Archive), and good luck! You could also go to the BBC Wales website for the names of people who would be around your uncle's age; then check if they are on the social networking sites.
Anne, did you know that the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy also had an orphanage in Preston - St Joseph's - which would appear to have been even worse than St Clare's?  And there's an exceedingly boring book about this order - "We agreed to be different" - which is published online and contains a photo of the Pantasaph orphans with the Reverend Mother. She looks stern and ugly, while all the kiddies ...see more
I was in this horrendous place from 1942-1950. I saw a lot of cruelty from the nuns. My name then was Anne Coppola. I remember Betty Mulgrew, Doreen Evans, and Betty Everisto.
The above order of psychological sadists ran St Clare's orphanage where small children suffered dreadfully (see BBC Wales website 2009). The order also owned a private boarding and day school on West Hill in Dartford where I was sent at the age of four; Our Lady's High School was run like a young offenders' institution. One teenage boarder (Josephine), and a four-year-old day girl (Ann ...see more