Swinton, Fitzwilliam Infants School c.1955
Photo ref: S828009
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A Selection of Memories from Swinton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Swinton

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I was born in Kilnhurst but came to live in Swinton when I was a couple of months old. My parents were Connie and Eric Jackson. We first lived at 9 The Croft. Our neighbours were Fred and Grace, Graham Marks and Mr and Mrs Moore. I went to the infants school at the top of Rookery Road and remember crying solid for a week before I settled down. I have so many memories . I will write them down later. My name was Barbara Jackson then.
I was born 25th June 1949 at my grans on Toll Bar Rd .When I was 3 my parents were given a brand new council house on the Lea near Creighton Woods .I went to Fitzwilliam infants school then Fitzwilliam juniors on Church Street .When I was 11 I started at Swinton Secondry School .It was a new modern school and the uniform was grey skirts and royal blue cardigans or jumpers .My mum made me wear ...see more
I lived all my early days in Jackson Crescent, Monkwood with my parents Margaret and Fred Scaife and my brother Roger. Sadly my mother passed away on 12/12/12. I recall attending Haugh Road Secondary Modern School and detested every minute. I was a student there when the roof of the central hall collapsed due to a fire. I see it was never rebuilt. I was very keen member of the 36th ...see more
My memory relates to the cobblers shop on Rockingham Road, Swinton as this was my grandad's shop, I used to walk down the back way, behind the houses to get to it, it is still a shoe repairers shop. At 4pm every day, my nan would take my grandad tea and bread and butter. Does anyone have an old photo of the area of shops on Rockingham Road (opposite Kings head pub)? Thanks.