Swanley, The War Memorial c.1950
Photo ref: S389019
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War Memorials

A special selection of photographs from our Archive of the War Memorials that connect us with those who fought and perished in the conflicts that have shaped the world we live in today. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."- Laurence Binyon, For The Fallen

A Selection of Memories from Swanley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Swanley

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I was 7years old when we had this snow fall which closed White Oak school for a least 2months. I remember the snow drifts right up to the living room window .Apparently Swanley hardly see's snow anymore. I now live in Hampshire. My name then was Wendy Seabrook. remember me ?
I was born In swanley lane in 1944 and my dad was a part time fireman at swanley fire station. Does anyone out there have any details of the old fire station number 1 which used to be beside the old lullingstone castle by the traffic lights. If my memory serves me right Mr Dawes of station road was the driver. Any info will help.
My name is Phil Kincaid, born in 1962. I attended Swanley Comp for most of the seventies and it was a brilliant school. It suited me down to the ground. The teachers there encouraged individuality and nurtured my artistic nature. The visual and performing arts - being such an important part of me - were dominant at the school. The headmaster, Dr Henry, played Cor Anglais in the school windband and orchestra. Every year we ...see more
My parents were Gerald and Phyllis Smith, we lived in Goldsel Road from about 1939/40, having moved from 'Crescent Gardens'. My father worked at Philip Ladds Nurseries, which was owned and run by his uncle Philip. My father suffered from MS and in those days, with not much known by the medical profession, there was very little help for him, he managed to work only occasionally when having a good day when his ...see more