Stebbing, The Red Lion c.1960
Photo ref: S282011X
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A Selection of Memories from Stebbing

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Stebbing

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My grandmother, Ellen Crow lived next to the Lindsell shop in the village. During the summer holidays Mum and I would go on the 12 o'clock bus from Chelmsford to visit her. I had many relatives in the village and surrounding area. Granny had 13 children. I was the youngest grandchild. I have such fond memories of the village. I visited there about 3 years ago. it has not changed at all. I now live in the suburbs of Chicago. Judy Pitt (nee Burr).
My Grandparents, Harry and Hannah Young lived in the first cottage on the left as you enter the village. I spent most of my school holidays there with them and my Mother and I were evacuated to live with them during W.W.2 for a period of time. I attended Stebbing school for about 3 weeks, then was moved from there to a small village or church hall in the road behind the now Bowls club (my great great ...see more