Nostalgic memories of Stanstead Abbotts's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 15 in total

Can anybody remember the name of the Baker in the High Street. I can remember him doing his weekly afternoon delivery round to our house being Wingate Cottage behind Bonningtons. I have never tasted bread as good as his ever again. Whilst on the subject of locally sourced food product :- what about E.T.Hall & Sons, the Butcher in the High Street ...see more
My Mum grew up and stayed in Stanstead Abbotts. We lived in a house in Thele Avenue. We often walked up Cats Hill with our Dad and played in the woods. Quite a beautiful place to grow up.
Between July 1966 and December 1970 I was one of the two policemen living in Stanstead. By the time I moved to the village, double white lines had been painted all the way up Cats Hill. I reported a number of car drivers who took a chance and overtook slow moving lorries going up the hill, sometimes narrowly avoiding a collision with a car which was approaching over the brow of the hill. It was a regular ...see more
myself and ray and dave blakes were standing by st andrews church when the st trian coach came by the girls were waving their hockey sticks through the window i beleive it was shown in the film
i was in the scoutse with skipp aso confirmed in st andrews church i was also in the church choir was known as bill griffiths fond memorys
I am looking for my sister Betty Hills, taken to Easneye Childern's Home in approximately 1952, later to be adopted by Cyril William Groom and his wife Eileen Mary Groom, her birth mother was Grace Florence Hills [Dec]. Betty was last heard of living in Bognor Regis in Sussex under the name of Ruth Grimshaw. I have not been able to find any information so far, if anyone has any news of Betty ie. Ruth please email me, thankyou:
Hello, I am trying to find people that went to Easneye in approximately 1959/60. My husband went there and remembers a lady by the name of Lorna, he remembers her quite clearly. I would love to locate Lorna for him as she is the closest he has ever had to a mother. I believe she was about 19/24 with black bobbed hair and a fringe, he was only 3/4 at the time. Can anybody help me?
My Godmother, Jennie Wren, lived in the Easneye Gatehouse, as shown, at around this time, possibly slightly later. This gateway was also used in one of the St Trinian's films, which featured a racehorse which was being hidden at the school. Easneye House may also have been featured as the school, and other parts of this road were used in another St Trinian's film.
I and my brother went to St Margaretsbury Nursery in 13.5.1971 aged 2 years. I would love to know more and the place of the nursery. Thank you, Peter
I was 3 when my family moved to 94 St Margaret's Road, Stanstead Abbotts and I continued living there until 1996. I would love to hear from anyone who lived in the same road or had friends or relatives who did.