South Ockendon, Royal Oak c.1960
Photo ref: S280045M
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A Selection of Memories from South Ockendon

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We moved to the prefabs in South Road, South Ockendon in 1949 From London, my sister and I started school in the village school the headmaster was Mr Impy after that we went to the new school which was called Mardyke School I only remember the name of one teacher which was miss Wright she was the PE teacher and had long red fingernails, my sister passed the 11 plus but there was only one place at the local ...see more
I went to Mardyke school in the early 50’s and I recall that we went abroad to Belgium and Holland. My recollection is a teacher called Mr Childs and there was speculation that one of the children developed some form of polio. Also we used to live at 208 South Road South Ockendon. Keith
Hi my name is Peter McGuire and i went to Lennard's from 1960 to 1965 My class was in upper 4A in the science lab at the back of the school. The teacher was Farrier (not sure of spelling) who left us in our year of GCE's . It may seem strange but he was always smoking during our science classes . We had 2 english teachers a MIss Smith and a Mrs . Smithh, completely different style of teaching. Mrs. Smlith more into ...see more
I went t to Lennard's school from 1960-1965'and was in Upper A classes. I was house captain of Williams in my last year and a prefect It seems to have changed house name as well school name after 1971. Head master was Mr Wilkins,( used crutches) sports teachers Cheshire ., Walters and Mahoney My class was the science lab. Now live on Phillip Island Australia.(home of the penguins) I remember, Phillip Cooke, Brian ...see more