Ryton, Ferndene Park Swimming Pool c.1960
Photo ref: R88008
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Memories of Ryton, Ferndene Park Swimming Pool c1960

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Ryton, Ferndene Park Swimming Pool c.1960

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My sister and I lived in Ryton at Burnaby Drive, from around 1965.I learnt to swim at this wonderful pool thanks to Ernie Broderick and went on to swim for my school ( Dame Allans ) and also Northumbria. To this day I still love the exercise. Now living in Egypt, I swim at night in an outdoor pool in the midst of the desert. I believe I could be the girl standing by the steps of the pool. Karen Cook
I remember taking swimming lessons in the outdoor pool in Ryton Park. I used to go with my older sister during the summer holidays. The year would have been round about 1976/7. We lived in Ryton until 1979 - my dad was the minister of the URC at the time, Rev David Hudston. Happy memories - I learnt to swim during those holiday lessons.
My grandfather and grandmother Dixon lived in the station house. My grandmother had a marquee on the Willows, from memories of conversations with my mother who lived there also for 4 or 5 years, on Sundays she would serve tea and cakes. I think there may have been a band. If anyone has any old pics I would love to see them.
My first visit to Ryton was when my mother took me and my sister to Ryton Willows during the war years. The train from Gateshead station stopped at the Willows and I recall next to the station was a  place for eating your own meals which had to be brought. I can't recall any facilities for tea or meals service. The only facility for kids was a shuggy boat on the willows right next to the river Tyne. I think we went there ...see more