Reigate, Best Of Friends 1907
Photo ref: 57595X
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A Selection of Memories from Reigate

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Reigate

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My grandfather worked as a chauffeur and then a gardener for a family called Edwards who lived at this house in the 1930s and 1940s. My grandfather had a cottage in the grounds. When we visited and the Edwards were not at home, we were allowed to play on the lawn at the back of the house.
My great grandparents lived at Birdhurst House - now demolished - and although I have family images from the garden, I have never seen a photo or painting of the house itself. Does anyone know where I might find one?
My grandfather, Cecil Carter and wife Winnifred Carter were owners of a fish and game shop during the second world war. I would like to know the street name and the name of the shop. The shop was located in Reigate. The fish was loaded onto trains and brought to Reigate and then delivered on carts to the shop. Does anyone out there have photos of the shop? If someone can help me, I would greatly appreciate the assistance.
I was born at 4 ruby road thornaby. My mother and father frank and Mary Greenwell brought up 10 children in that house so many great memories. There 10 kids are Doreen,Frankey,Eric,Robert Marjory,Francis,Mavis,Ann and the twins Christine and Carol. I met my husband David Smith his mam and dad lived on Bassleton lane and sold cold drinks for anyone going up Bassy lane to the fox cover. I’m Christine and married David and now living in California so many memories