Prestatyn, From Bastion Road 1895
Photo ref: 36598
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A Selection of Memories from Prestatyn

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Prestatyn

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I have just seen the photo of Prestatyn Open Air Swimming Pool; and Katy McMichael's wonderful memories of times spent there in 1958. They so very much remind me of my very similar memories of the Pool. In the summer my friends and I had season tickets for the Pool - we just loved it so much. Rock & Roll was just happening for us; and then the "6/5 Special coming down the line" ...see more
Does anyone remember the record shop at 186 High Street from the 1960s/70s. I just recently bought a 1964 Ford Anglia and the owners manual has S & J A Jones, Record Shop, 186 High Street listed as the owner. I'd love to know any information about them or if there are any family members around. Cheers. Ian
I went to Vale View School at 72 Meliden Road as a boarder from 1960 to 1966 and those six years were some of the happiest times of my whole life. The headmistress Mrs Constance Gill and her two sisters Miss Edith Woodward and Miss Hilda Woodward who were both teachers were three of the most wonderful people I have ever known. I remember my time at Vale View so well and are coming to stay later in the year as the ...see more
Happy times at Prestatyn--enjoyed 4 holidays there-staying in self catering around 1954-1958.Stayed in Victoria rd-think Conservative club nearby,, Grosvenor rd-house called Green sleaves-, a guest house/hotel with flat roof by sand hills and finally on Meliden rd,Highlights included my parents sending our things in a trunk, then we followed on by train from Birkenhead.Little trains on corner by fire ...see more