Nostalgic memories of Port Talbot's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 8 Memories

My grandfather and uncle ran a bakery and grocery in Beverly St for many year. I remember my uncle taking me on the early rounds delivering to shops and cafes right up to Neath. I also remember the Carlton Club where I would often sit in with the group run by Russ Jones , a fine local pianist.
I was born in the Whitecity in Enfield Street in 1966. I have fantastic memories of my childhood. Going to Lloyd's shop on the corner of Henshaw Street for sweets where my friends Allison and Mark Reese also lived. We had the best bonfire around and all took shifts to stop the raiders whilst the others would go on duty raiding Beech Street and Sandfields Road bonfires. Long summers down the beach and fair. All the ...see more
I was born in 1924 @80 water street in the rear part of a sweetshop fronting on water street & owned by My Godmother Eva Parks-My Father worked in the steel mill & We moved to London in 1931 for My Father to obtain work which He did--in 1941 i joined the RAF & served in bomber command till 1946. I remember as a child there was a railway crossing in water street possibly leading to the steel works. I ...see more
The Sunday afternoon walks down the Morfa to feed Dai the swan or picnics at the Brombil Reservoir. The early morning movement of cows from Brombil farm through Morfa Lane and over the stone railway bridge to the Morfa. The lodging of landgirls from England and putting up a soldier from London and his wife who became close friends of my parents. The army vehicles used in the early days of the ...see more
I lived in Velindre from 1952 to 1975. My best memory is playing by the falls, having a swim with other kids from Velindre.
I can also remember people like Billo and Vernon, Will Och, Lawrence the black, and cafes like the Corner House, Servini's, Ferrari's, Belli's fish and chips, and Viazzani's in the old Water Street. Also Johnsons factory in Henshaw Street.where I used to work. Graham Jenkins, who was the market manager, and entertainments manager on the Aberavon beach when I used to do puppet shows.
My nanna lived at 43 Velindre Street. I lived in Griffithstown near Pontypool. I used to spend every school holiday in Velindre. My close friends were Lynne Baker and her sisters, Alison and Maureen from the top of Velindre Street. I think Kay was the youngest. There were a few brothers too. Anyone know where they are now? I live in Queensland, Australia and would love to contact the Baker family ...see more
I lived in Port Talbot between 1956 and 1968. I regard it as my second home. I finished school in 1958, at Velindre Secondary Modern School. I had many jobs in Port Talbot, window cleaning, working at Corona soft drinks, the Plaza cinema, the Grand cinema, Marcroft Wagons at Forge Road, I worked on Aberavon beach in summer, and I did my own puppet shows at the old community centre in Dalton Road. I lived ...see more