Pirbright, Admirals Walk 1908
Photo ref: 59664
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A Selection of Memories from Pirbright

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Pirbright

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I am interested in contacting other people who remember scrambling in Purbright in the 1950`s. I have many photos of riders and would welcome any information that other readers have. Edwin Moody.
I was brought up in Pirbright Village and my father was into motorbikes. My brother was older than me and had a motorcycle 1st but when I was old enough I also got a motorcycle. For many years as a family we went to Fox Hills on Boxing Day to watch the big boxing day scramble (now known as motocross). We usually took soup in a flask and bread with us. I cannot remember when, but the misrable war department ...see more
My name is Dawn Thompson, I grew up in one of the Cottages next to the Pub (no 3). My father Peter Thompson, worked there for many years. I remember the Hunt meetings and I remember Tom Hatton, who ran it many years ago. After him, Geoff Walkling took it over with his family. My mum Elsie Thompson, worked there for a while as well, but found it too much with having to look after my sister and myself. I used ...see more
I was born at Bakers Gate, (which is oppsite the "research station), in 1939. I moved away in 1959. My parents continued there until they retired and went to live at 3, The Terrace in the village. Bakers Gate was my world, until I went to school at Pirbright in 1944. There were no other children to play with, my cousin Margaret came with her grandfather sometimes, they too lived in the ...see more