Back In The Early Sixties

A Memory of Pelsall.

Back in the early 60's I would spend hours riding on the commons of Pelsall .I lived in Allens Lane so used the Common to reach the Finger Post then onto Ness common and Liitle Whirley.Behind our house was a wood which had the old spoil heap from an opencast Mine , it was the site of a Pit disaster in the 1800's.
Happy days, Pat Yarnall

Added 07 September 2014


Comments & Feedback

My family lived in Pelsall well over 100 years ago, I was born there in 1940's, went to school there when Mr Townsend was headmaster.
I remember fishing in the Moat pond at the FingerPost, playing over the Cracker, being chased by Gypsy Jims horse (scary). Losing my pom-pom hat in the village and found it hanging in Daft Bernard's window (sorry Bernard you were probably lovely but you chased all the little children that passed by your house, and I was scared of you). Was an attendant to the May Queen, riding through the village on a trailer. Still have the photo somewhere? Left there in 1970.

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