Parkgate, Buildings Near The Seafront 1965
Photo ref: P255042M
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A Selection of Memories from Parkgate

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I was so pleased to see this photo in a Francis Frith book. The two ladies in the foreground are my Grandma and my Mother. Grandma was Mrs. Archie Turner (1892-1974) who lived in Whitford Road, Birkenhead. My Mother, Mrs. Clifford Bolt (1916-2003) lived in Arthur Street, Birkenhead. I think this photo could have been taken in the 1950s. Memory from Margaret Halpin (nee Bolt.)
I grew up in Parkgate. Now reside in California where I have lived since 1981. I believe the grocery store which is now an art gallery was Howes and Mr Chow's was Prossors store. Remember buying sweets from 'Mr Dooley'. Anyone remember him?
Used to often go there for a drive on a Sunday, get an ice cream and walk along the prom.
The little ice cream shop next to the Copper Grill has the best ice cream in Parkgate. I have been going there for about 25 years. I love Parkgate, it's a lovely place now and always has been.