Old Whittington, Revolution House 1902
Photo ref: 48902
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More about this scene

In 1688 this was the Cock and Pynot (magpie) Inn, and it was here that the fourth Earl of Devonshire and others met to arrange the overthrow of James II for his adherence to the Catholic Church, and to invite the Protestant William of Orange to become king.

A Selection of Memories from Old Whittington

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Old Whittington

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My aunt was Mrs. Kenyon, the Headmistress of Langley Moor Infant School and I have fond memories of spending time at the school with her while I was on holiday with her in Langley Moor. She always had the Reception class and I recall on the first time I was there, she was called away to answer a telephone call and I was left with the class - oh, for those days again when children sat still and did ...see more
I remember going to the park with my two brothers and playing on the swings and slide, also catching sticklebacks in the steam at the bottom of the park. As I got older I used to take my dog to the park and he used to go down the slide.
This picture is of me and my brothers in Brearley Park. I am on the see-saw with my brother John and my mum is holding my youngest brother, Paul. We always used to go to the park as often as possible and catch sticklebacks in the stream. When I was older I used to meet my friends there and also take my dog who used to go up the slide and go down the other end. It was a long time ago that will always be remembered, especially going to the park.