Newmarket, Paddling Pool And St Mary's Church c.1960
Photo ref: N23057
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Memories of Newmarket, Paddling Pool and St Mary's Church c1960

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Newmarket, Paddling Pool And St Mary's Church c.1960

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Every year, from about 1943 until 1951, I and my brother Robin used to spend at least a fortnight of our summer holidays with our grandmother (Edith Holmes) in Falmouth Street. We spent hours in this park, if you swung the swings to the full extent you could look over the wall into the stables. There was a paddling pool there, but not sure if it was the same. We used to attend church at St. Mary's and my parents ...see more
I remember this paddling pool so well, when I was about 8 years old I would be there with my nana {in fact in looks like me in the pic}. She would sit on the bench in the pic and eat her rich tea biscuits. I begged her to let me swim every time we were there, I would mostly paddle though. One day the pool was empty and I was playing around the drain and I got my big toe stuck in it, I was really scared ...see more