New Mills, The Park c.1960
Photo ref: N126036
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A Selection of Memories from New Mills

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from New Mills

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My na me is Philip Stanway, I was bor n in 42 Jubilee street in November 1942 My best friend was ALan Bailey whom lived on Park road. New Mills was a great place to be growing up in at that time . So many open places, and the old mill ruins down in the torrs. We moved to the new Highfield estate in 1947, and lived in Beard crescent. Every saturday afternoon we were given 5 pence to go to the matinee either in ...see more
I was born in Hayfield Rd during the terrible winter of 1947 (Feb), doctor Leslie Millward walked through the snow and along a huge drift to climb into our front bedroom window to attend to my birth! I was subsequently named Leslie after him.I started school after Easter 1953 in Mrs Archers class at St Georges school, the class was bursting, there were so many of us, I sat next to my life-long friend ...see more
Carol Jakes used to take me to school! The cinder path to St George's school (now tarmac and very steep) collecting wild flowers in the fields, swinging on the tarzan and making dams! New Mills Grammar School with bottled green uniforms and the dreadful velvet green jockey hats we had to wear the first two years. Local delivery vans brought weekly groceries, rag and bone man swapped soap or goldfish, pop man with ...see more
I was born Susan Scott at home on Ollersett Ave on the new estate In 1950. Before I went to school I remember helping the local farmer deliver milk around the estate in his horse and cart, getting a bottle or orange juice as a reward. I went to school age 4 and my first school was Springbank Primary. The teachers were very strict and I remember getting the ruler on my wrists for getting my sums wrong!! My next ...see more