Your Search Results
Places in Scottish Borders
We have maps of all the places listed below, but please note only those places high-lighted in Scottish Borders have photos. Browse the list alphabetically and click/tap on those that interest you to see its nostaligic and historical content.
- Posso
- Prenderguest
- Preston
- Prieston
- Rachan Mill
- Redpath (near Melrose)
- Redscarhead
- Reston
- Riddell
- Riggs, The
- Rink, The
- Roberton
- Romannobridge
- Ross
- Roxburgh
- Roxburgh Mains
- Salenside
- Saughtree
- Scraesburgh
- Selkirk
- Shiplaw
- Sinclair's Hill
- Skelfhill
- Skirling
- Smailholm
- Sourhope
- South Blainslie
- Southdean
- Sprouston
- St Abbs
- Stagehall
- Stanhope
- St Boswells
- Steele Road
- Steeleroad-end
- Stichill
- Stobo
- Stobs Castle
- Stonedge
- Stow
- Sundhope (near Catslackburn)
- Swinnie
- Swinside Hall
- Swinside Townfoot
- Swinton
- Swinton Hill
- Symington
- Synton
- Synton Mains
- Talla Linnfoots
- Teviothead
- Thirlestane (near Lauder)
- Thornielee
- Threepwood
- Torquhan
- Torsonce
- Torsonce Mains
- Torwoodlee Mains
- Town Yetholm
- Trabrown
- Traquair
- Tushielaw (near Wardlaw)
- Tweedsmuir
- Upper Blainslie
- Upper Hindhope
- Upper Kidston
- Walkerburn
- Wardlaw
- Waterheads
- Watherston
- West Bold
- Wester Deloraine
- Wester Essenside
- Wester Housebyres
- Wester Kershope
- West Linton
- West Mains (near Lauder)
- Westruther
- West Third
- Whitelee (near Melrose)