Milton Regis, The Recreation Ground c.1955
Photo ref: M256002
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A Selection of Memories from Milton Regis

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My great grandfather and grandmother owned the shop in Milton next to the Recreation ground entrance. However he was an alcoholic , he drunk all the profits and they lost the shop.
I have uncovered that my grandparents lived in 3 Bridge Street, Milton Regis (unfortunately that address no longer exists). I never knew them but granddad died at that address in 1949 aged 71.
On the same side as the Church was 73 Crown Road where I lived for a few years. My father had a builders yard at the end of the road on the corner, just before it turned into Staplehurst Road. I remember big yellow painted gates with the words R. E. Stone Builders. Anyone remember this?
The shop on the left was where I lived as a child.  My father (Ron Stone) bought the property which was an old doctor' surgery and transformed it into a general store.  My Mum and Dad used to open the shop in the evenings selling peas pudding and faggots and all the family used to join in preparation.  My job was to make onion gravy on a paraffin stove.  This was very popular and there were often people queing with their own basins right along the street outside.  Those were the days!