Growing Up In The Old Marchwood
A Memory of Marchwood.
I moved to Marchwood in the mid 1960s, I was not very old. We lived in an old house on the edge of the village, called Glengarriff. The old house was pulled down many years ago.
I attended Marchwood Primary school. Mr. Smith was the Headmaster. Most of the children who attended the school came from the army quarters.
Marchwood was just a village then. People would stand and chat over their gate, as you went to the shop. Everyone called the shop 'Barker's.' That was the name of the family who owned it. It was quite a meeting place.
I think everyone knew my mum, Kath most people called her. There was never such a thing as 'going to the shop quickly.' By the time my mum had chatted to everyone on the way there, chatted to everyone who came into the shop and everyone on the way back home, a lifetime seemed to have passed.
I remember the Alcove, next to Barkers. I knew people that lived there. They have all long gone now. Mrs. Moore owned The Alcove. I remember a horse escaped from somewhere, it was causing havoc and Mrs. Moore manage to catch it. She used to smoke roll up cigarettes. Hayward the Hardware shop, next to The Alcove.
I do not expect there are many people living in Marchwood now that would know where Allen's Corner is. Only the locals of yesteryear would know that.
I remember the Red Barn, which for some reason was green. I never knew why.
Marchwood was a friendly little place. With fields, hedges and all the things most villages used to have. There are not really places like that now, which is a shame.
I remember Pete Burchell, the village Bobby. He was a nice man, just the type you need in a village. He was a part of the community.
That's what Marchwood had, a community and open space, plenty of room to play and explore during the summer holidays.
I shall always think back to Marchwood, the way it was, with fond memories.
I wish my children could have grown up somewhere like that. Somewhere with a community spirit. Plenty of open space. A den in the woods and things like that. Still never mind, time moves on.
I have enjoyed my trip down memory lane. There are other things and people I remember, but I am awful at remembering names.
I moved out of Marchwood, when I was 15. I moved back when I was 18 and stayed for about 5 years, then I moved again. I don't get back there now, everyone I knew have also moved, or passed on. I come through Marchwood from time to time. I can't believe how much it has changed. I know some people would think I am stupid, but I think it is a shame it has changed so much.
All the best to you all,
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Comments & Feedback
Not sure if i would have known you, but reading through this took me back to this beautiful place.I was born in 65 and went to school there, i remember with great joy all of the things you mentioned,
I lived the other side of the bypass in twiggs lane, sown near the Bold Forester, Found memory's of walking to barkers and even did a paper round from there, Thanks for the memoories :-) Stu Butt
I've just seen what you have written. You are alittle younger than me. I do remember your Mum. I remember her as a cheerful lady, with dark hair and she often had a baby in a pram. Your Mum and my Mum used to chat for ages. I was only a child and it seemed like a lifetime. In reality, it probably wasn't that long. If I remember correctly, you had blond hair and an older sister called Ginny?
I'm glad you enjoyed the trip down memory lane.
All the best,
Robert Pilcher, did you have an older brother called Steven? There was a boy at Marchwood Primary called Steven Pilcher, he lived in Mullberry Road.
Mr. Smith did have quite a strong character. I never knew Mr. Clarke.
My name is Jeffrey Rose.
Would like to hear from anyone who was there around that time.