Hullbridge, The Caravan Site c.1960
Photo ref: H179069
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A Selection of Memories from Hullbridge

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Hullbridge

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I was born in Hullbridge in Burnham Road, in 1941. The house belonged to my grandmother although it isn't there now. I and my elder sister, Pamela, went to the school when it was only three rooms. Mr Emeny was our headmaster and we also had a teacher called Mrs Street. I had a girl friend named Rita Newal. We were only young at the time and I moved away when I was 8 or 9. We still used to visit my ...see more
I used to walk home past here to my home in Kingsway from the school, and I used to look in the antique shop window which was on the left. If I had money I would go in and buy old coins. When did the shop close?
I was at the school just down the road at Hullbridge County Primary at the time. We had a fund raising event to build a swimming pool (when I last looked a few years back it was still there) and we all put 6 old pence in for tickets which were called bricks. We all went into the playground for the grand draw and I won. I got a 2/6 voucher to spend in the shop and straight after school I went to do ...see more
I was born at Trend-de-Hayes off Raworth Lane in 1926 and went on to live at Coventry Corners a couple of years later at a house called 'Roycroft'. I Started school at the Riverside Juniors school, our head teacher was a Miss Fassam. Miss Phillip was another teacher there, she liked rapping your knuckles with her ruler. Old Dick Hymass used to ferry the kids from Woodam in his row boat in all sorts of ...see more