Hornsea, A Motor Boat On The Mere c.1930
Photo ref: H272059
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A Selection of Memories from Hornsea

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Hornsea

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I have just been reading other people's memories of being incarcerated in Hornsea convalescent home, which as the name suggests is a place for a child who has been ill for some reason to be happy and relaxed away from pressures from parents or school. I was 9 years old, I had my appendix out a few weeks ago and was feeling very tired and I wouldn't eat anything. I kept falling over. My mother took me to the ...see more
I stayed at this so-called home in the 60s, the staff treated all the children like animals, it was run like an army camp, really nasty nurses and a matron , all the children were bullied and frightened of all the staff , I am trying to get some archive info about the place if anyone can help please
My sister got put in this place .. she told me of how the staff were horrible.. when your parent visited there was always a member of staff present so u couldn’t tell what was really going on in there .. she said if u got any toys or sweets they were taken off u as soon as your parent left .. she said how the babies would cry all the time n she would try n soothe them when the staff had gone … I could see the trauma as she ...see more
I was sent to this place in the mid 50s to recover after being treated for T B , I would be around 6 years old,and being from a village type environment and having no father or siblings this establishment came as a complete shock. I had never seen let alone tasted pasta but I was made to eat it, the memories of fear still linger, fear of the staff and the older kids, fearful of wetting the bed, all the time trying to ...see more