Heswall, The Beach Approach c.1960
Photo ref: H276084
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A Selection of Memories from Heswall

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Heswall

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I think it was about 1963, I was sent to Heswall, to a Home for children. I was about 4 years old. My Mum said our Doctor advised for me to go there, because I wasn’t eating. I don’t know what the place was called, & I can't remember much about it. I do remember my mum crying as I got into a vehicle, with someone from the home & it went through the Mersey tunnel from where we lived in Liverpool. The memories ...see more
My late wife Sandra stayed at the home, with her sister Carol, for 6 weeks in the summer of 1957. Sandra was just turned 11 and Carol 9 and a half. About 20 years ago Sandra and I went back to Heswall and, as others have commented, the house is now private and the beach is overgrown. The railway line has long since been built over. However. the rhubarb field is still there! The following is an account of her stay which ...see more
I worked at Heswall childrens hospital from 1966 untill it sadly closed in 1984.My maiden name was Hession.I wander if anyone remembers it.
I was 4 years old when I was taken from Liverpool to this Hospital. It was a very frightening experience because I was the first child in the family and they say I was there for 6 weeks. I have never found out why I was sent there. There was always secrecy about this and some in the family said I should never have been sent there. There were no family visits but I remember once being taken out into ...see more