Helsby, Bi Recreation Ground c.1955
Photo ref: H326007
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A Selection of Memories from Helsby

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Now here's a place with some very happy memories. Beyond the field with the cows in was the BICC cricket ground (factory chimney in the background) - if you look closely the white building to the right of the picture was (and still is) the club, bar and changing rooms. To the left in the middle of the picture you can see the white sightscreens used by the cricketers in the summer. To the left of ...see more
I have vivid memories of the shops shown in the photograph. The shop on its own, on the right of the picture was Galley's Newsagents run by brothers Roy and Dennis Galley. Having said that Dennis' wife used to serve in the shop and was my favourite person as (I was 9 in 1960) if you smiled at her and ordered 2oz of sweets you could guarantee she would give you 4oz at no extra charge! ...see more
Does anybody know where the Old Hall was in Helsby in 1911? My great aunt, Eva Jane Wharton worked there, it was in Helsby, not Frodsham.
I too remember Miss Kinraid, Miss Williams, Miss Westwood also Mr Gibson & Harry Lamb. Always on a Monday, Miss Kinraid used to send me to the Westminster Bank opposite the Railway Inn & always at playtime to bank the children's dinner money.