Forest Hill, Dartmouth Road c.1900
Photo ref: F179501
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A Selection of Memories from Forest Hill

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Hello’ I lived in Houston Road 50s 60s 70s there’s a little lane at the rear of Houston Road called Carter’s Ali two old tramps as we used to call them in them days used to walk up this little Ali one was called Jack Rags the other was called soppy Sissel I know where they used to live but does anyone know who they were and their history. They were there in the 50s and 60s. Thanks Malcolm.
I lived in Perysteeete, Perry Vale from 1950 until I was 20 years old. Our Primary school(, Christ Church . C of E) was opposite our flats, and it only took seconds to get into school...just before the whistle went! Memories of the celebrations of the Coronation includes a party held in the Foresters Arms,where our dad sometimes played the piano, and all the residents paraded around the block...,including a father, ...see more
I remember living on Perry Vale above the old bus garage, and my brother and I would go to Horniman Museum, then go about 400 yards behind and there was a castlelated building consisting of a basement first and second floor then you could go to the roof and there was a parapet around and you could see for miles, as kids we were told that one of the fires was lit there regarding Spanish Armada ...see more
The number 12 bus went past it and it cost me 2 pence each way from Crystal Palace. The bus stoped by the Libary and we ran down to the Baths entrance. It seemed masive that vitorian fronted building. Up the steps to the ticket office. I can'nt remember how much it cost but I remember that ticket machine spitting out those rough paper tickets, either green or blue or pinky red. Then there was that over powering ...see more