Felixstowe, 1929
Photo ref: 82943
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A Selection of Memories from Felixstowe

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Felixstowe

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Living in Southend meant that Felixstowe was a bit of a busman's holiday for us but Nan had a caravan there - close to the amusement centre on the old unmade road to the fort. I clearly remember the hiss of the Calor gas lamps in the caravan at night and the dulcet tones of the bingo caller: "Green line, four and two, forty-two." Memories that will never leave me! The paddling pool by the ...see more
After 2 months at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, I was sent for six week convalescence on the east coast in February. I am sure the medical profession said at the time - we have done all we can for him, now let mother nature have a go. Well I am 78 now and that experience of Felixstowe was in 1952 . The King died at this time. Does anyone know of a convalescent home - which I seem to recall was on the ...see more
Use to skate every Sunday morning. My mum and dads beach hut was in the bottom left corner still bowl there to this day. I can remember Vic macbride as well use to play with his daughter.
The skating rink behind the Bowls green mid left hand side of the Picture was at the time run by my father, Vic McBride. I could be the Little boy skating, at the edge of the Picture. The Whole area the Rink, the Beach, the boatmen "around the bay in a motorboat", crabbing at the Old Dooley fort. "Jacobs Ladder" the klandestine meetings with girls from the Ladies college. This was my playground all sommer long in the 1950's