Eastleigh, The County Library c.1960
Photo ref: E167038M
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A Selection of Memories from Eastleigh

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I used to go to school with his daughter Rita Creed at Hillside School in Winchester in the late 1940s, and had to walk her each school day to Winchester Station. She lived in Archers Road Eastleigh. Thanks Peter Kitching.
I was born in Kestrel Road in 1945 went to Chamberlin Road school then on to North end and from there got an apprenticeship at Sir Joseph Causton, Had many a memorable year working there but eventually left to work with Thomson Holidays all over the world, eventually buying a farm in Mallorca and doing Magic in the nightclubs (Something I was trained to do with Thomsons) I was ...see more
Hi,I don't know if anyone can put me out of my misery, I have memories of a Bowling Green on the sight of Sainsbury, is this a figment of my imagination or was it really there,it would have been there in the seventies as we moved to Chandlers Ford around that time .Carol Sorby/Doling
I was born at 247 Cranbury road Eastleigh on 12 December 1944 and stayed there with my parents, Jack and Tess Norton and my younger brother Richard, until 1963 when I left to join the Royal Engineers. Every family was struggling in those post-war years with conditions that could be best described as, austere. Ours was a rented house, 12 shillings a week, gas lit with no electricity and ...see more