Henry Hamilton Bridge

A Memory of Droxford.

Ongaonga School New Zealand is searching for information about Henry Hamilton Bridge. We believe he farmed 'Fairfield', Hawkes Bay, N.Z. from 1865-1901 when he returned to the U.K. to live in this house. Any information would be much appreciated.

Added 27 May 2013


Comments & Feedback

I have just written a book about my grandfather, Duncan Puckle. He was a cadet of H H Bridge learning about sheep farming in the late 1800s in New Zealand. I researched a bit about Bridge and the village he created, Onga Onga.. The book is being edited now, and I will self publish it round about September. I have a web page 'Trudaolson' if you want more information about me.
Regards. Truda Olson

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