Downham Market, Bridge Street 1960
Photo ref: D149033
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A Selection of Memories from Downham Market

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Downham Market

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Lived here for the first 28 years of my life. Great memories of the old primaryschool with Mr J Waterson as headmaster. Remember lots of sweet shops, no wonder my teeth needed some fillings. Every used to know everyone then. The town cinema was msrvellous, shame it is no more. Went back a few weeks ago it has lost it's character now . Shame
More memories of Downham Market. When you walk along Church Road from Cannon Square on the right hand side of the road there is an alley way (a walk going down to the high st), it is called 'sounding alley'. The name was established many years ago because in Church Road there used to be a bell foundry where bells were made and when walking down the alley you could hear the bells. Opposite the market place and ...see more
Downham Market in my younger days was a happy small market town where everyone knew everyone else, in the days before overspill there were lots of small shops, like the bakers Stannards and Slys where you would queue for ages for your bread while everyone caught up with the town news and scandal, and the Regent cinema was very popular and the queue used to be from the cinema to the Coffee Pot ...see more