Kennards 2

A Memory of Croydon.

Reminiscences of Kennards Arcade brought back memories for me too. As a child, I was in Croydon for most of the war and "ponies", as we called the arcade, was a favourite spot when shopping. It helped with the war effort by displaying informative and morale-boosting mini-exhibitions along part of its length. Three of these stand out - a "daring" live silhouette of a glamorous young lady, probably inspired by cartoon character Jane, taking a bath in the recommended meagre depth of water; a reconstruction of a coal mine, through which one could walk, to encourage the recruitment of "Bevin Boys" who were detailed to the pits instead of to the armed forces; and the exhibition of an intact "doodlebug" - the flying bomb to which we were subjected.

Added 20 May 2009


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