Nostalgic memories of Cranford's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 20 in total

Hiya Everyone , It’s so lovely to see all of the old photos and hear all of the amazing memories of everyone who lived around Tin town and beavers estate. Me and my family currently live at 42 with 7 children and two adults and it’s crazy hearing the story of people living here previously. Me and my family are very curious about the old shop/news agency behind the children’s park does anyone have any insight about this?
When I left Stanley Technical School at the end of 1956, I got a job as a 'Trainee' (another word for Apprentice' but without the security of a longer term employment), at Rollason Aerocessories at Croydon Airport, who were a small offshoot of the Rollason Aircraft company also on the Airport. Does anyone have any memories of those days? A lot of water has passed under the bridge since those days (or, should ...see more
Hi all, have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the memories of cranford, I lived in cranford from birth in 1978 until late 1986 my father was born in cranford in 1945, I just wandered if anyone had any photographs of cranford, anytime from anytime between about the late 1940's through to the mid 1980's? If you did and would be kind enough to share them, or maybe scan them and I could have a copy then I ...see more
Hi, I worked in S&R Smith's Garage with Sid Jupp, we use to strip out the crash cars ready for the panel shop. Also fixed Ray Smith's rally car :-) I am unable to remember anyone else's name who did the services - think one was Alex not sure. After they sold the garage, Sid Jupp and Harry the panel beater moved down the road behind some house to a small industrial unit :-) ok that is my memory of S & R Smith Garage Hounslow .
I started school at Cranford Infants School 1974, Mr Hill school headmaster. I remember Ms Hickmett, Music Teacher teaching us in one of the huts and running to the school fields up to the river Crane where there was a gate to the entrance to the airport. Colin the school caretaker and his barking dog. The small tesco used to be Leeds Buidling Society & Barclays bank. I remember Henlys ...see more
The picture of the Church is in fact the Old Cranford School but it displayed the church services that were being held. The Holy Anagles Church was a 'nissen type ' building at the back of the Old School. I used to attend the church (Anglo Catholic) and at the age of 8 was an Incense Boat Boy and graduated to M.C in approx 1950. The Priest in those days was the Rev John Carr. We lived at No.107 Berkley Avenue ...see more
My mum (Win) worked in Parsons the hardware shop and also the grocers. I remember helping out a couple of times with grocery deliveries by riding the big black bicycle with a large basket on the front which was stacked with cardboard boxes. Very heavy to ride! My mum used to cut bacon on their big slicer and customers asked for a special cut number for the thickness they liked. I learned to cut big drums of cheese ...see more
I was born 1945, lived with my mum and dad in one room at back of my granparent's house, 67 Monington Cres, which had a huge back garden. It backed on to the Parkway and I had many great times there. We would go to Cranford Park nearly all the time, we'd play in the River Crane, riding our bikes through it; by the ford it was quite shallow. We would catch tiddlers, leaches, just having great fun. ...see more
My name is Michael Mancey. In 1949, when I was four years old, my parents, youngster sister and I, moved to a brand new council house in Windsor Road. Although the postal address was Hounslow West, it was in reality Cranford. I started school at Cranford Infants School a year later in 1950. To get to school I walked across a field and crossed Woodfield Road then went down Byron or Chaucer Avenue. ...see more
My father was a Aircraft Engineer for K.L.M. He started as an apprentice at Croydon Airport in 1934. After the second world war, Croydon was getting too small for the larger aircraft coming along, so K.L.M. moved to the then new London Airport and we moved with them. In 1948 we moved into 31 Byron Avenue, my step mother and my half sister, my half brother Neil was born there in 1950. I went ...see more