Cookham, The Fishery 1899
Photo ref: 43025
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A Selection of Memories from Cookham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cookham

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In 1951 together with my parents & brothers we camped at a little campsite next to an old house called Strand Castle next to the strand brook. The site was run by a Mr Wallace who lived at Strand Castle..he had old army tents set up in the field & a small floating dip pool anchored in the strand brook..we, as Londoners really loved the rural site. I have several photos taken on this holiday.
My grandad was born in cookham in 1896
I also have many happy memories of life in Cookham. We moved here from Maidenhead and brought up our children in this lovely area. The pubs of Cookham and the Dean were great and we walked for miles enjoying the scenery. We earned money by working at Copas farm throughout the season, I particularly remember turkey plucking and potato picking. We swam in Odney's water and my children and grandchildrem enjoyed messing ...see more
I don't actually remember this but I was born in Maidenhead at the Bassett's Licorice Allsorts Mansion. This was apparently used as a maternity hospital during the war. I have tried to find out more about this place but have failed. Can anyone help me? My mother was a widow but also an unmarried mother evacuated from London.