Clent My Ancestral Home!

A Memory of Clent.

My Huxley ancestors came to Clent from Ribbesford in 17C and married into the Waldron family who it seems had been there almost forever! Always interested to hear from any distant relatives.

Added 03 August 2008


Comments & Feedback

I am also related to the Huxley family, Through Mary Ann Huxley my great grand mother who married Thomas Gill he was the St Leonards Church gardener in Clent. Mary ran a tea shop from Meadow cottage, My Grand mother was Ada Gill there daughter, My name is Peter Packwood it would be great to hear from any Huxley relatives with old photo's, There are pictures of Mary Ann Huxley on the birds childs & goldsmith site. Hope to hear from anyone,
Regards Pete,
I have met with another descendant of Mary Ann Huxley/Gill and shared some photos. Mary Ann and Thomas's grave is the only Huxley grave I have found with a stone at Clent still visible. My grandmother Sarah Ellen Huxley later Quantrill was born in Adams Hill but the whole family left for Brighton about 1900. How do I access your Birds, Child's, Goldsmith site? Wendy
Hi Wendy, Just type in Birds Childs & Gold smiths and the Gill family, You will then find pictures of Mary Ann Gill nee Huxley, If we are related you can send me a friend request on facebook. Peter Packwood,

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