Clanfield, The Village c.1955
Photo ref: C574005
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A Selection of Memories from Clanfield

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I am now 94 years of age, but back in 1941 I was stationed an R.A.F. HF/DF station on Butser Hill along with several other air force personnel one of whom was a Chris Girlow.!!! Could be the great grandson of the present Chris Girlow??? Please contact me at,
I can remember living in accommodation behind the post office with my parents, also the two thatched cottages were owned by my grandparents along with other properties in the village.
Great to see the old school again,I remember harvest festivals and punch and judy shows in the hall behind,house martins building nests in the eaves.School sports,egg & spoon,sack and wheelbarrow races.Wet clothes drying on the radiators in the winter,Happy days.Lived at 29 Peak road,my father worked at Mercury navy station,now living in Auckland New Zealand.Any more photos of the school or the village please post them.