Nostalgic memories of Chiswick's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 5 Memories

I was born in Chiswick hospital in 1958 does any one know what it look like and was it large hospital
Does anyone know or remember as a child Rebecca (nee Powell) and Ernest Matthews who lived in Chiswick. They had 10 children, the last child passing away aged 94 on Sunday 6 April 2014. Also trying to establish the name of the local dance school, Doris ? we think.
Strand on the Green was, and always will be an iconic location.  Remember the Beatles film Help was filmed there.  Summer evenings in the sixties watching dusk descend over the river with a nice drink (or several).  A location often used on calendars etc. Two American cars often parked there with Batman pictures sprayed all over them in little pictures like a comic, must have cost a fortune. However it was for ...see more
My very first job was in Chiswick. Although I lived in Brentford, when I left school I went to work in the grounds of St Mary's and St Josephs Convent in Burlington Lane, opposite the Cherry Blossom factory..this was in 1955 and I worked there for nearly 3 years. Chiswick had always played an important part of my life. My Mum's aunt lived in Seymour Road and we often went there on a visit. Then of course there was the ...see more
Smitten by a kitten from Marlborough Road. A tall, elegant, green eyed, dark long haired lass from Chiswick, who charmed my heart with her music (an Accordionist). Her family, in particular her father, were gentle-folk who gave me tea on Sundays then we would watch Sunday Night at the Palladium on the TV, or Robin Hood. She would play Ramona, Sorrento, and a medley of sing-along songs for us to join in. I was in love, but she was only sixteen, and this was the 1950s.