Chingford, Mount 1911
Photo ref: C95305
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A Selection of Memories from Chingford

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chingford

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My mother Irene was born in 1927 in London. In the 1930’s she and her parents, Charles and Ada Moore, lived in Chingford. On the evening of 30 Sept 1940 a bomb was dropped on their home on Normandshire Dr. My grandfather, a member of the Home Guard, was killed and is buried In Chingford Mount cemetery. In the weeks to follow her grandparents also were killed by bombs dropped during the blitz. I look forward to a visit ...see more
My first job when I was 15 was in Silverthorn Telephone Exchange. I remember, when I went to the Telephone Managers Office for my interview. I had wanted to work in Directory Enquiries but was told that although I spoke well and passed the hearing and writing tests I had a regional accent and would not be able to get a position in central London. It’s not as if I spoke cockney and mum had ...see more
If you wanted to have your name in the Chingford guardian you would brave a visit to Larkswood pool on the first day of the season, which was usually early May. My friend Julia Bruns and myself got our names in the paper that way but boy was it cold.I remember we used to buy a hot drink from the cafe which consisted of an oxo cube in hot water, anyone else remember that drink? To think of it now makes me feel sick but ...see more
We lived on Normanshire Dr early 60s. Went to school on the New Rd then to Wellington Ave; at that time Wellington Ave boys and girls were separated. Loved the fish and chip shop and Rossi's ice cream. Went to the Odeon on Saturday mornings with my sister then we would rush home and listen to the radio messages of the military dedication songs and messages to loved ones. As with others spent a lot of ...see more