Child Okeford, Upper Street c.1955
Photo ref: C222008
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A Selection of Memories from Child Okeford

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Child Okeford

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Hi Laura, Is your cottage to the right of the passage way? If so, that was my first ever property. I bought it in 1976 for about £8000. Nigel
I went to Childe Okeford 24th June 1946 as a 19 yr old Land Girl ( Connie Rogers) working for Walty Francis - Melways Farm. One of the hardest winters on record 1947 I remember going out to fetch the cows, the snow was so deep nearly up to the top of my wellies. Pipes carrying the milk from the milking parlour to the dairy were frozen solid and Walty had to climb up with a piece of lighted paper to thaw pipes ...see more
I remember the Manor House in Child Okeford, my mother worked for the Glassbrooks the then owner s of the manor, this was about 1943/44 and a battalion of the Newfoundland Army were billeted in the grounds. I as a 6 year old boy became their mascot, they kitted me out in a uniform and I happily marched around with them, I was watched over by a sergeant named :Zech" . I also attended the village school during this time .
my name then was healey,i remember going to school in the village and going to church three times on a sunday,my brother also Terry was evacuated just in the next village,Friday at school was that we could take any toy..i remember swimming in the pool and falling from a tree ,my baby brother also was evacuated during the later war years with mr and mrs rideout ,I have a picture of shillingstone station on my wall oh I remember lots