Chesterfield, Church Of St Mary And All Saints And Memorial Cross 1919
Photo ref: 69218
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A Selection of Memories from Chesterfield

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chesterfield

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I lived on Devonshire Street just off Holywell Cross from 1950 to 1963 and I can still remember the area quite vividly. Devonshire Street was a short cut for workers walking to the Trebor factory. Our landlord, Mr Pashley, had a shop at the top of the street opposite the YMCA. At the bottom of Newbold Rd going towards Holywell Cross there was Cavendish Motors, Grosvenor’s tea rooms, Slacks solicitors, Turner’s sweet ...see more
My grandparents were publicans and ran the Hunloke Arms pub on Derby Road for many years during the 60s and 70s. I was born at Ashgate nursing home and lived in the Chesterfield area until the late 70s when I spread my wings,went to art school and travelled to many parts of the world. I remember many shopping trips with my grandmother into Town. I remember Swallows store, another small department store ...see more
I wonder if anyone out there remembers the King and Miller Pub in the 60's on Knifesmithgate? It had two bars the upper bar on knifesmithgate and the lower opened onto the high street. I think it was where the Halifax is now, the bars were connected by a narrow passage I think. It was a fantastic building and I wondered if anyone knew anymore about the history of it and what it was originally was or have any photo's of it?
I was wondering if anyone remembered the model railway that was in Brocklehurst Motors on Whittington Moor on the sight that now has Asda, Iceland and Halfords? My dad used to work on the petrol pumps in the sixties and used to take me to watch the trains. They used to run thro tunnels in a mountain like model. No one seems to remember it. I have lived in Chesterfield since I was two years old and all my family, ...see more